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swear word 咒罵;罵人話;宣誓;怒罵。


“ but if someone is from a different culture and wants to register a name that sounds like a swear word in english then we do advise them of that . 但倫敦威斯敏斯特區戶籍辦公室主任卡芙卡特說, “如果有來自不同文化背景的父母,為他們的孩子取英語臟話為名,我們還是會勸止的。 ”

I dated this girl for about three months . every other word out of her mouth was a swear word . it ended up being a real turn - off 我跟這個女孩子約會了三個月。從她口里說出的話幾乎每隔一個字就是臟話,結果她真使人感到興味索然。

This somewhat shocked the ladies , but mrs . mayston ryle could not spoil her point by the omission of a swear word 這件事使眾位女士們不無震驚,而梅斯頓?萊爾夫人卻并未由于沒講咒罵的話而使談話失去要點。

I am so sorry , and what was interesting is from that point on he didnt say another swear word 他結結巴巴地說對不起,有趣的是此后他沒有再說粗話,真的了不起。

The censor - ped the swearing words 電影審查員剪去了罵人的話。

This somewhat shocked the ladies, but mrs. mayston ryle could not spoil her point by the omission of a swear word . 這件事使眾位女士們不無震驚,而梅斯頓萊爾夫人卻并未由于沒講咒罵的話而使談話失去要點。